제이제이 페인팅 JJ Painting
평점: 5.0
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 제이제이 페인팅 소개
JJ Painting is a local painting business located in San Jose, serving San Jose and its surrounding areas. We are trustworthy, punctual and professional and can provide references from our past clients. We are also fully licensed, insured, and bonded in the state of California so rest assured your property is in good hands when hiring us.

We would love to learn about your painting project, whether it is the exterior of your home, apartment building or an interior painting project. Our professional painters know what it takes to get the job done and can provide quotes within 1-2 business days.

Feel free to call or text for your free quote, we would love to hear about your next painting project!!!

Contact Information
E-mail: jjpaintersco@gmail.com
Phone: (510) 999-2090
 취급 업무
* Interior & Exterior Residential Painting
* Interior & Exterior Commercial Painting
* Drywall, Epoxy, Pressure wash